Queen’s Nurse Award
‘We are delighted to announce that Vicky Mansfield, Nurse Manager and Gillie Arthington, Advanced Nurse Practitioner, have both been awarded the prestigious title of Queen’s Nurse (QN) by community nursing charity The Queen’s Nursing Institute (QNI). The title indicates a commitment to high standards of patient care, learning and leadership. Queen’s Nurses serve as leaders and role models in community nursing, delivering high quality health care across the country. The application and assessment process to become a Queen’s Nurse is rigorous and requires clear commitment to improving care for patients, their families and carers.
Vicky is currently the only Practice Nurse in Calderdale to be awarded the title of ‘Queen’s Nurse’. Well done Vicky and Gillie, we are very proud of your achievements.’
For more information on how you can contruibute to the QNI please click here